The Leverage Corner
The Leverage Corner
EP 4- The Reverse Mortgage Strategy- Part 1 "The Basics"
The Reverse Mortgage is an untold secret. It has the ability to take the fear out of "Do I have enough money for retirement or will I run out of money?" In this multi-part series... I will cover not only what a reverse mortgage is but how it can be used as part of your overall financial portfolio. I will also discuss the myths as well as all the moving parts. This is a must-listen!!!
If you are a client or in the Financial Industry and would like to discuss this strategy in more detail.
Reach me at 1-800-833-1862 ext 116 or contact me rwidmer@tfsweb.com
Richard Widmer is a Licensed Mortgage Consultant
NMLS 861176
TFS Mortgage Corporation Inc,
The Leverage Corner is a Mortgage Educational Platform for Financial Advisors and Consumers. Having over 25 years of experience in the Mortgage Industry. I have developed the "Leverage + Opportunity = Solution Series". They are designed to educate and show in a clear and simple way how mortgage programs can be used as strategies.
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Thanks for watching!
Richard Widmer NMLS 861176 TFS Mortgage Corp Inc.NMLS#51460