The Leverage Corner
The Leverage Corner is an Educational Platform for Financial Industry Professionals and Consumers. Having over 25 years of experience in the Mortgage Industry. I wanted to first focus on how mortgage programs can be used as "leverage Strategies". Whether you're a Financial Advisor, Accountant or a Consumer. Listen in on how to apply these strategies as an added tool in reaching overall financial security and housing wealth. You will hear how easy I break down current programs and give examples on how to apply them as solutions. You will also hear from various Industry professionals and real clients to share their experiences and expertise. My Vision is to share how "Leverage is the Key to Homeownership and Housing Wealth" one podcast at a time. If you have any questions or looking for more information on leverage programs or strategies, you can reach me at rwidmer@theleveragecorner.com NMLS 861176 www.theleveragecorner.com
Podcasting since 2019 • 8 episodes
The Leverage Corner
Latest Episodes
EP 6 - Purchasing a home through the eyes of a Financial Advisor
Buying a home will add additional stress on its own. But when inventory is extremely low and the competition is exceptionally high. How do individuals handle these circumstances that are in the financial business? That is precise...
Season 2
Episode 6

EP 5 Special Guest - Bill Greenfield Wealth Bridge Advisory on "Reverse Mortgages".
I sit down with William M. Greenfield, CLU, ChFC who has been in the Financial Industry for 3 decades. He shares his views on the "Reverse Mortgage". It is truly a great strategy!! A must listen in..,The Leverage Corne...

EP 5 - "The Reverse Mortgage - The Life Line"
Due to the current market conditions... Being 60+ years of age might be creating stress if you're depending on your current "Financial Portfolio" to satisfy your present or future quality of life. The "Reverse Mortgage could be your tem...

EP 4- The Reverse Mortgage Strategy- Part 1 "The Basics"
The Reverse Mortgage is an untold secret. It has the ability to take the fear out of "Do I have enough money for retirement or will I run out of money?" In this multi-part series... I will cover not only what a reverse mortgage is but how it ca...

EP 3 - Lender Requirements... What you need to know!
If you're looking to get your hands on mortgage money for "Housing Wealth", you need to listen in and hear what the investors use to see if you qualify regardless of the purpose or program. Follow "The Leverage Corner" on all Social Platfor...